


Roman Signer

Year: 2012
Format: Publication; DVD, booklet: 24 pages, 29 cm × 18.6 cm, light cardboard cover, flat perfect binding
Edition: 1/300–300/300, numbered
Text: Josef Felix Müller
Language: German
Design: Ramon Lenherr
ISBN: 978-3-909090-54-9
Price: CHF 55.00

Documentation of the eponymously titled work by Roman Signer, created for the exhibition Felix der Verleger (Felix the Publisher) in the Propstei St. Peterzell.

In 1988, Vexer Verlag published the first comprehensive volume on Signer's sculptural works. Now, after almost 25 years, Roman Signer has created a new sculpture from part of the remaining edition. Attached to long strings, Roman Signer and the publisher held 112 books in the Necker (a river in the canton of St. Gallen) for a long time. The effect of the water transformed each book into an individual object; one book was swallowed by the Necker. The books were air-dried in the attic of the Propstei, thereby creating a new sculptural work.