

Artist: Federica Gärtner
Year: 2024
Format: Publication; 119 pages, 32 × 23.7 cm, Softcover with flaps, thread stitching, offset printing
Text: Susann Wintsch
Language: German, English
Design: Julia Herzog
ISBN: 978-3-907112-74-8
Price: CHF 40.00

The monograph Orte (Places) brings together the works of Zurich artist Federica Gärtner (*1949) created between 2008 and 2023. While these works span a range of media and formal languages, they do not form solitary groups of works. Rather, they are interconnected and in dialogue with each other. Gärtner's installations evoke the feel of laboratories and scientific research, offering an experience of proximity between various events. Orte gives these site-specific installations a visibility that is independent of time. Susann Wintsch's text delves into Gärtner's broader body of work and reveals a broader coherence among her entire oeuvre.