
Landscape #1. Institute for Land and Environmental Art

Series: ILEA


Various (Lita Albuquerque, Ueli Alder, Atelier für Sonderaufgaben, Paul Barsch & Tilman Hornig, Bildstein | Glatz, Mirja Busch, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Com&Com, DIG Collective, Les Frères Chapuisat, H.R. Fricker, Gabriela Gerber / Lukas Bardill, Bob Gramsma, Marianne Halter & Mario Marchisella, Jaffa Lam, Ingeborg Lüscher, Filippo Minelli, Raumlabor, Steve Rowell, Analia Saban, Roman Signer u. a.)

Editor: Johannes M. Hedinger, Hanna B. Hölling
Year: 2020
Format: Publication; 288 pages, 16 × 24 cm, softcover, thread stitching, brochure
Text: Aufdi Aufdermauer, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, William L. Fox, Johannes M. Hedinger, Hanna B. Hölling, Mattli Hunger, Sibylle Omlin, Janis Osolin, Lukas Ott, Jano Felice Pajarola, Jolanda Rechsteiner, Emily Eliza Scott, Chris Taylor, Lucie Tuma
Language: German, English
Design: Alltag Agentur (Philip Bührer, Janine Lorenz)
ISBN: 978-3-909090-94-5
Price: CHF 33.00

Landscape #1 is a publication series edited by Johannes M. Hedinger and Hanna Hölling for the Institute for Land and Environmental Art (ILEA); it explores the theory, history, and recent trends of art in peripheral, rural, and alpine landscape zones. The publication is divided into three parts: DOSSIER contains a collection of texts that provide a theoretical and historical reflection on landscape. ESSAYS brings together essays, articles, interviews and artistic contributions from the Institute's network. The catalogue provides an overview of the Art Safiental outdoor biennial and the Alps Art Academy summer academies of 2016 and 2018.