
Rom: Erica Engeler – Rom in Rom / Karl A. Fürer – Sehspuren Rom


Erica Engeler, Karl A. Fürer

Editor: Josef Felix Müller
Year: 2016
Format: Publication; 186 pages, 21.4 × 15.3 cm, velour cover, thread stitching, edge colouring, ribbon bookmark
Text: Erica Engeler
Language: German
Design: TGG
ISBN: 978-3-909090-76-1
Price: CHF 38.00

This is a book that can be turned around; it starts with texts by the writer Erica Engeler at one end and drawings by the artist Karl A. Fürer at the other. Both were guests in the live-in studio of the Canton of St. Gallen in Rome. This book documents impressions of this city from two different artistic perspectives.

To coincide with the exhibition Vedi Napoli e poi muori – Grand Tour der Mönche (See Naples and Die – Grand Tour of the Monks) in the Kulturraum of the Canton of St. Gallen, Karl A. Fürer presented sketches and Erica Engeler presented text fragments that were created in Rome. The event was called: Wortblicke – Sehspuren, Lesung mit Bildprojektion (Glimpses of Words – Traces of Seeing, Reading with Image Projection). This performance was the trigger for this ‘script’.

Rom-Facetten, notiert und gezeichnet, Saiten, Nr. 259