
Heading into Time. Works 1971-2021


Alex Silber


Johannes Nilo

Editor: Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal
Year: 2023
Format: Publication; 288 pages, 31 × 24 cm, dust jacket with silk screen, thread-stitching
Text: Michael Babics, Bice Curiger, Pathmini L. Neuner-Ukwattage, Johannes Nilo, Aurel Schmidt, Richard Torchia
Language: German, English
Design: BKVK, Aline Wagner, Beat Keusch
ISBN: 978-3-907112-61-8
Price: CHF 49.00

Alex Silber is one of the first generation of Swiss artists to work with multiple media, installations and performances. Since the beginning of his artistic activity he has been fascinated by the medial aspect of images and texts. What can images achieve, and what do they do? What is it that makes an image come to life? In a world marked both by an intoxication with images and by iconoclasm, Silber has shaped his reflective approach to visual information into a distinctive voice of the contemporary world. In die Zeit gefallen does not imply that this oeuvre has fallen down the rabbit-hole of time: it is work on time, in time. It is the not-yet-fully-arrived, that which is on its way – Heading into Time.