February 24 2022
Lettera - Lucerne Literature Festival
Lettera–Lucerne Literature Festival
Friday 5 pm – 7.30 pm Saturday 10.30 am – 5 pm Sunday 11 am – 3 pm
Book market at the Neubad Bireggstrasse 36 CH–6003 Lucerne
The book market will feature a range of stands from 46 publishers. To see the wider programme of events, please visit the website: www.literaturfest.ch
Written by Josef Felix Müller
5.30 pm
HKB, Auditorium Fellerstrasse 11 3027 Bern
Of Visions and Realities
Reflections on the museum landscape in Bern
What will the museums of the future be like? What requirements will they have to fulfil, what needs will they have to meet? Who will be involved, and what can and should be shown? For the publication "Kunstvermittlung geht an Land: Studentische Perspektiven auf die Gegenwart der Zukunft von Kunstmuseen in der Schweiz" ("Art education heads to the country: student perspectives on the present and future of art museums in Switzerland"), students conducted field research, held discussions with curators and art educators and wrote articles; others contributed to the book's image section by imagining future exhibition venues with artistic, design and mediation work.
Apéro in the presence of Josef Felix Müller, Vexer Verlag
Conversation with Patrick Rohner
7 pm
Gallery Mark Müller Hafnerstrasse 44 CH–8005 Zurich www.markmueller.ch Photography: Conradin Frei
Compered by Marlene Bürgi (art historian and curator), this conversation between Patrick Rohner, David Bresch (climate physicist) and Helmut Weissert (geologist) will offer a chance to learn more about Patrick Rohner's artistic work as well as the genesis, design and themes of the publication Massenbewegungen , published by Vexer Verlag in autumn 2021, and the exhibition of the same name.
Please register by 5 March 2022: mail@markmueller.ch